Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Backpacking Checklist

Well, for the whole two folks that have been reading my blog, I’m sorry for the dearth of material.  As usual, I’ve been incredibly busy at both work and in my personal life.  I have to present at a science team meeting next week, and I HATE presenting.  But, I’m trying to squeeze in some material, something to keep this site alive.  Well, I was asked by my coworkers about equipment for backpacking trips - what to bring, what's essential, what's not essential.  So, what better way than to sham up a post than put this here.  This is a list of what I bring on my trips.  The list was originally put together when I was in Boy Scouts, and, has not changed all that much.  First, this is one of the hobbies in life where the saying "Your mileage may vary" applies.  Every item hear has an ultra-lite equivalent.  As you go smaller and lighter, you get more expensive.  And of course, others folks will have their personal preferences.

-Backpack (I have a Deuter, and I definitely recommend this pack.  My father and brother have Gregory and really like their packs.)
-Hiking boots or shoes comfortable on rough terrain (I like Merrel and Columbia)
-Tent (Only have had MSR, so cannot comment on others)
-Sleeping bag
-Sleeping pad
-Whistle (if you get lost from group)
-Bear bag (Bear canisters are required in parks in grizzly country)
-Rope (for the bear bag)
-Rain wear
-Rain cover for pack (If you don't have one you'll be sorry)
-Socks at least 1 pair for each day days (I was instructed in high school to have wool + polypropylene liners for blister protections, but I've been told the world has moved on)
-Toothbrush and toothpaste
-Water bottles - 2 quarts minimum
-Water filter
-Flashlight and batteries
-First aid kit
-Camp stove
-Cook kit
-Fuel for stove
-Metal dish and utensils
-Food - 2 dinners, two lunches, 2 breakfasts on the trail, plus snacks
-Insect repellent
-Clothes for duration
-Jacket or sweeter

-Camera and batteries and memory cards
-Trecking poles (I actually recommend a set.  They really help take pressure off the knees when going down hill)
-Wicking clothes
-Cell phone
-Sandals or shoes for campsite

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